• MIT CAPD career fellows – get trained to help fellow students with career topics and professional documents
  • BE Data Lab – become a peer coach on data analysis and coding in life sciences
  • MIT Biotech Group – become a member/officer or take part in events like short courses on drug development, investing; Nucleate startup incubator; biotech mentoring program
  • MIT Innovation Headquarters – various accelerators and support for student entrepreneurship
  • Path of Professorship – workshop for graduate women, non-binary, and gender diverse people that provides information about academic scientific careers and the application process

  • BE REFS – graduate student-driven program that provides confidential conflict coaching to the BE community

  • MIT Physical Education (PE) classes – quarterly, open to grad students – sports, yoga, swimming, dance, first aid, martial arts, outdoor ed, etc.
  • Community Wellness – classes and resources for stress reduction, exercise, mindfulness, sleep, healthy eating, family support, etc.
  • Hobby Shop – fully-equipped wood and metal shop that teaches students the art of thoughtful design

  • PKG Public Service Center – Fellowships and IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge
  • MIT Solve – Global Challenges
  • BE community service efforts – K12 outreach, Cambridge Science Fest, etc.

Send suggestions for other programs or resources to Dan Darling.