
Researchers and academics from around the world are invited and hosted by our faculty and students to present and discuss their groundbreaking work in the field at the BE Seminar Series. Current doctoral students present their cutting-edge work at our Bioengineering & Toxicology Seminars (BATS).
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  • BATS will return September 2024 Seminar

    • Speaker: Speaker TBA
  • Thursday, December 7th Seminar

    Start Time: 12:00pm
    Location: Opus Design
  • Friday June 2nd Seminar

    Start Time: 3:00pm
  • Friday July 7th Seminar

    Start Time: 9:00am
    Hosted By: Bevin Engelward
    Named Lecture: Robert S. Harris Lecture
    • Speaker: Karren Yang (LAUFFENBURGER, REGEV, and UHLER LABS)
      Optimal Transport Methodology for Biological Lineage Tracing
    • Speaker: Miguel Reyes (BLAINEY & HACOHEN LABS)

      Cell-free protein expression systems and CRISPR-Cas13 are both versatile Synbio tools, and have shown promise as diagnostics for detecting pathogenic nucleic acids. However with the goal in mind of a simple, low-cost consumer diagnostic for use in the home or in the field, each system has key limitations. Luckily these deficiencies are complementary, and so by designing a novel cell-free protein expression reporter responsive to the cleavage activity of Cas13 the two systems can be combined, resulting in a superior diagnostic assay.